About Suma's

Our Philosophy at Suma's

At Suma’s KinderHouse the children experience “home away from home” with the benefit of a small group of children, and an experienced mother and Waldorf teacher.  My philosophy is to greet each child with warmth and humor, establish loving boundaries, and to provide an atmosphere where the child can flourish individually while building relationships. I believe that nature makes for a good partner for the young child and has much to offer. I establish daily rhythms, knowing that a strong routine supports the child’s growth physically and emotionally. It is my job to create an atmosphere that promotes calm and safety, so that the child feels that "all is right" in their world.  

Details about the program 

The Daily Routine: 

Life at Suma’s KinderHouse gently follows a daily routine with alternating activities including:


*significant time outside

*creative play inside and outside

*circle time with song and movement

*forest walks

*activities related to nature and the change of seasons


*daily chores

* cooking and mealtimes

*tending the garden and chickens

*story and rest time

I have a big backyard with gardens, chickens and access to the forest for morning hikes. I believe the natural world is a child's best educator, so we will spend ample time outside. The children will have an inside mudroom for their boots and coats, an inside room designated for creative play and nap, a cozy living room to gather for story, and a kitchen where we craft and cook when we're not outside.